Patrol the Community:
- Walk the children to and from the school busses to make sure that they are safe from harm
- Patrol Clark Atlanta, Morehouse and Spellman College to ensure student safety
- Patrol high crime areas and neighborhoods, to make sure that it is safe
- On post at Booker T Washington to reduce truancy amongst students
- Patrol Morehouse when President Obama was in Atlanta, campaigning for Stacey Abrams
Community Assessment:
- Patrol the community after storms to report fallen trees and other unsafe conditions that might impact residents
- Call public utility services to ensure that light poles are fixed
- Make sure that school busses are on schedule so that children can get to school in a timely manner
Education about Gentrification:
- Attend and voice concerns and suggestion at NPU meetings
- Hold developers and politicians accountable ensuring that development projects include everyone including the poor and the disenfranchised
- Spoke out at City Hall and talk one on one with Council members about the concerns of the people
- Addressed projects that do not consider everyone like, The Proctor Creek Project, Gulch Re-development, and other development projects across the city.
- Advocate and support the residents at the Darlington Apartment complex who were facing forced evictions
Prison Reform and Prisoner Strike Solidarity:
- Advocate for prison inmates who are caught up unjustly in the criminal justice system
- Partner with other organizations to demand for basic human rights and economic justice for prison inmate
- Organize protests and connect prison inmates to resources so that they have a voice
- Speak out at City Hall and Fulton County Board of Commissioners meeting to advocate to end the unjust practice of ending cash bail.
- Advocate for the release of political prisoners like Imam Jalil, Larry Hoover and Ralo
- Register voters
- Educate ex-felons and those with a record about their voting rights
- Coordinate rides for those who have no means to make it to the polls
- Monitor and patrol voting booths and the area around to make sure, voters feel safe from intimidation
- Participated at rallies and news conferences to ensure that every vote counts
Challenge Racism and Dismantling Power:
- Speak out against racism on college campuses.
- Hold businesses accountable when owner or staff make racist or offensive comments
- Support individuals who are oppressed by systemic racism, for e.g. standing in solidarity with those impacted by the APS Cheating scandal
- Provide support and resources for student attacked by teacher at an Atlanta High School
- Support elected officials like the Mayor of Camilla, Georgia who has been impacted by systemic racism
- Maintaining the Peace and keeping klan members (at their rallies) in check.
Police Brutality:
- Organize and coordinate rallies to support those whose lives were taken due to acts of police brutality
- Speak out against police brutality and advocate for justice for families impacted
Community Engagement:
- Feed the homeless and the hungry
- Collect and Distribute blankets and other essentials for those who are unsheltered and need it the most.
- Collect and Distribute school supplies for children who do not have access to these resources
- Organize community clean ups to ensure that the community is safe and clean
- Organize Peace walks- unifying various street- tribes and bringing them together to advocate for healing, peace and change in the community
- Working with various street-tribes to restore houses, build businesses
- Created a little league baseball team called “Streetgroomers” for children who could not afford other programs in the community
- Served as a community partner with the Fulton County DA’s office on the Fulton County Gang Coordinator’s program
- Advocated for salary raises for City of Atlanta police officers
- Work closely with Major Hampton, of Zone 1 police department in addressing
- Peace Marshall at March for Our Lives Rally
- Engage with local non-profits to advocate for at- Risk youth.
- Participated in a training on Kingian Principles of Non Violence with other Georgia activists
Speaking Engagements:
- Spoke at Global Communities of Practice Program at Emory University about activism work
- Spoke at Atlanta Radical Book Fair
- Spoke on various radio shows. (WRFG, WAOK and V103)
- Spoke at various events organized by Georgia Alliance for Social Justice, Black Lives Matter, Alliance for Black Lives and Southerners on New Ground.
- Spoke at Ebenezer Baptist Church about the Mayoral Race
Organizations involved with:
- Housing Justice League
- Georgia Stand – Up
- Southern Christian Leadership Conference- Cobb
- American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia
- Worked on Protests with Fulton County Commissioner Marvin Arrrington Jr., Radio Host and News Reporter Rashad Richey (V103, WAOK 1380, CBS 46)
We are the Streetgroomers
We Stand for what is Right!
We fight against what is Wrong!
We want what’s best for the people
To donate to support the work, please go to: